[Chapter 8] - Equilibrium

In Your Eyes
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Jieun refrains from engaging too closely with Baekhyun.

She doesn’t have a reason to. They’ve submitted their completed project. He has a girlfriend. That’s more than enough justification to keep her distance. 

They still talk to each other during lectures, acting as though things were perfectly normal, as though nothing between them has changed. Their friends don’t raise questions because they’re just happy to see him in high spirits again. It was almost like the brooding Baekhyun was simply a figment of their imaginations.

Except, Yoojung’s existence remains the sole reminder that something did in fact happen.

Neither Seungwan nor Chanyeol thinks Yoojung fits his type. They relentlessly make conspiracy theories about all the possible ways Yoojung bewitched their friend into going out with her. But at the end of the day, no one has any clue why Baekhyun made such a spontaneous decision to return to the dating scene when he gave zero indication he was ever interested in the first place.

She’s been taking up a large chunk of Baekhyun’s schedule on campus, a quirky little thing clinging to his side during every ounce of his free time. Sometimes Jieun deliberately turns a blind eye when she sees them together. She convinces herself it’s because she’s respecting their privacy, not because she finds their interactions unsightly.

And yet, more often than not, Jieun catches her neighbor’s bedroom lights illuminating the evening backdrop with tranquil silence. 

Jieun’s certain he hasn’t brought her home. Baekhyun keeps Yoojung away from everyone to the extent that no one knows much about her. Chanyeol once mentioned it’s because Baekhyun told him in passing Yoojung’s very shy around strangers, and in turn, further emphasizes why the girl couldn’t possibly be his best friend’s type.

On the other hand, dealing with her neighbor was the least of her priorities when she’s diligently learning how to be a good girlfriend to Oh Sehun.

They’re currently on a subway headed to the bustling district of Gangnam. Having caught the remnants of rush hour, Sehun managed to carve a space near the door for Jieun to stand, using his body to block off the crowded compartment. She’s grateful for the extra breathing room but equally conscious from his proximity and the arm protectively guarding her side. 

He kept their dinner plans a secret, promising cuisine like she’d never experienced before. It’s exciting anticipating what novelty surprises he has in store for her. Jieun doesn’t know the first thing about dating but Sehun is more than happy to take the lead.

“Sorry you had to wait so late for me. I didn’t expect today’s session to run so long.”

“I totally understand! Midterm season is just around the corner, there’s bound to be a lot of students cramming in last minute questions.”

“The real nightmares are procrastinators who slack so hard they force me to teach them half the curriculum in one sitting.” Jieun giggles at Sehun’s visceral repulsion. “I’m showing them no mercy when I mark their exams.”

Sehun has strict hours dedicated to being a teacher’s assistant. Work takes precedence under Professor Lim Yoona’s demanding expectations, he said. Jieun had heard through word of mouth Yoona was one of the toughest professors to please, uncompromising despite being an alumni herself some years ago.

Even so, Sehun never fails to make time for Jieun on top of his own extracurriculars. She knows she’s lucky. The people who see them together on campus think she’s lucky. 

As they get off at the station, he leads her through the lively streets, down the luxurious shopping complexes and through the slopes of quaint alleyways. Their destination is a charming little restaurant tucked away in a multi-story building, homey yet elegant in the presentation of a tasting menu. 

Indeed, it was a gastronomical delight like nothing Jieun had ever experienced. From snow crab to hanwoo to strange combinations of seasoning and ingredients she’d never imagined possible. Dish after dish, her taste buds were treated to innovative flavors beyond her wildest dreams.

“What on earth! I need to know whose brilliant mind came up with sourdough ice cream.” Jieun continues to marvel over her favorite dishes long after they’d left the establishment.

“Absolutely next level.” Sehun nods in agreement. “I’ll have to give it to the konbu dessert too. Can’t convince me mad scientists aren’t running this place.” 

“I’m at a loss for words. I didn’t know food could taste this incredible.” She’s b with awe the same way she could tell Sehun is mesmerized in her smiles. He’s glad she likes it, just as she’s glad to experience it with him.

They blend into the animated atmosphere as they walk along the streets sprinkled with buzzing retail. Jieun’s hand feels secure in his, attached like a perfect puzzle piece. When she takes in her surroundings, she realizes just how many couples exist around her; some hand in hand, some laughing together, others oblivious in their own intimate world, and now she’s one of them.

Romance hadn’t been on Jieun’s wishlist when she planned out her freshman year before the start of summer. It would be enough for her to fit in and make some friends. Perhaps she might come to meet a senior who she’ll admire afar, wondering if one day she’d be pretty enough to catch their gaze. When she stares deeply into Sehun’s complexion, she still doesn’t believe it’s real. He swore it was love at first sight from the moment he knocked into Jieun in front of Strawberry Sunday. Although she laughed and told him not to be so sappy, it made her heart flutter to think he had his eyes on her since the very beginning. 

“Jongdae thinks I’m getting over my head, but I wanna play matchmaker for Junmyeon before the end of the semester.” 

“Is there someone Junmyeon likes?” Jieun perks up from curiosity as their conversation shifts to Sehun’s beloved hyung. 

“Secret.” He puts a finger at his lips with a grin. “Hyung’s liked her for years but still doesn’t know how she feels for him. I’ve been urging him to stop being a coward and just confess. Meanwhile Jongdae thinks I’m getting cocky because I got cuffed.”

Does love make people more confident? Jieun wonders as she chuckles softly. Being with Sehun is comforting, like being wrapped in soft blankets under a canopy bed, or sipping hot cocoa next to the fireplace on a snowy day. She could forget about her anxieties and become a braver, more outgoing version of herself. If it's for him, Jieun is willing to commit herself to be deserving of her ‘girlfriend’ title.

As always, Sehun sees her back to the entrance of her apartment complex. He lives close by enough to assure her it’s not out of his way. They bid their goodbyes and he notices her gazing at the night sky again, admiring the stars scattered above.

“How’s the planetarium sound for our next date?” Sehun suggests with a knowing grin. “We can go stargazing for real someday, when the weather warms up.” 

“Waiting for when Spring arrives? That’s still so far away.” Jieun teases him though she’s eager to accept the proposal.

“Is it really? When I’m in it for the long haul?” 

Her pulse races at the sensation of Sehun’s thumb gently brushing against her bottom lip. He leans in, lifting her chin just slightly to his eye level.


“That’s Sehun to you, sweetheart.” 

He doesn’t give her a goodnight kiss - he’s saving it for a bigger occasion. Jieun feels a subtle rush of relief when his hand finally releases her chin. She wasn't quite ready when otherwise her heart might really burst. Knowing him, Sehun would try to make a more memorable statement when the time was right. 

“As you were saying?” His amused voice breaks Jieun out of her daze. 

She’s still starstruck, lost in the moment of what might have been.

“...Yes. That sounds wonderful, Sehun.”



“Sooyoung, what’s that…thing on your head?”

“Don’t ask. I’m trying to pretend it doesn’t exist.”

Jieun has trouble tearing her eyes away from the ridiculous accessory - something akin to an oversized top hat, decorated with stripes of mismatched clown colors visible from miles away. It strikes a glaring contrast to Sooyoung’s stylish cardigan and bootcut jeans. She’s not the only one staring amongst her workshop peers. Meanwhile Sooyoung is sporting the stiffest neutral expression to disassociate herself from her own fashion disaster. 

She lost a bet against Seungwan, the context of which she refuses to reveal. Hence, Sooyoung was forced to wear her own clownery in public for a whole day, courtesy of Seungwan’s immaculate choice.

“Good riddance! This is going to the trash where it belongs.” Sooyoung yanks the hat off forcefully the moment they exit the studio, signaling the end of a day. She hastily fixes her hair while Jieun quickly shoots a text to Sehun letting him know she’ll be on her way home soon.

“You’re not seeing Sehun today?” 

Jieun jolts as the taller girl peeks at her phone mischievously. “He has dance practice until late, I didn’t want to bother him. We promised to call each other before bed though.”

“Look at you being such a considerate girlfriend.” Sooyoung reacts with an odd quirk of her lips. “How does it feel having lover boy all to yourself?”

“Geez, Sooyoung!” Jieun huffs, though she smiles softly in response. “I’m still figuring out how to navigate our new relationship, everything’s so unfamiliar…I’ll be content as long as Sehun thinks well of me.”

“Don’t be so humble! You know you’re allowed to sound happier.” She laughs as she pats Jieun on the shoulder. 

The afternoon was still early; Jieun decides to accompany Sooyoung in a nearby pet shop to buy treats and chew toys for her dog, Haetnim. 

“You should come by my place and play with her! She’s got a funny smile but she won’t bite.” Sooyoung shares an apartment with two roommates, Yerin and Hayoung. They’d taken a while to settle into their new living situation that it was the first time she’d extended Jieun an open invitation. 


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rachanne #1
Chapter 13: The way I got sooo excited to see this story updated!! Probably one of my favorite stories rn!

Hopefully life gets a little less stressful for you soon! I always look forward to your updates, but I don’t mind waiting at all!
SummerLuv #2
Chapter 13: Oh no, he's gonna fall again I guess 😬 take your time! Some of us are still here 😃
Chapter 13: Patiently waiting on these two to realize they’re perfect for each other :)
I have such respect for anyone who writes and shares anything; I hope you overcome the block, I can only imagine how frustrating that is.
Have you listened to Dean’s new song? He featured on a song with Tabber called Chik-ka that I really liked
Chapter 13: I'm still here!!! I would be very happy if you continue writing this story <333
Chapter 13: I love their banter,pliz continue.........
Chapter 13: Oooh i love their sweet everyday day convo but somehow deep. Ah am torn sorry sehun. I guess am rooting for baek but i hope he really means it with her and forget his past. Thank you for the update authornim
SummerLuv #7
Chapter 12: I can totally forget about sehun's existent in this chapter 😂 THEY ARE SO CUTE!!!
SummerLuv #8
Chapter 11: Oooooh that shirt and its scent!!! Hahaha, the dynamic between baekhyun and jieun is different, more sparkly than jieun and sehun I guess? Also, she is kinda able to be more of herself when she's with baekhyun than trying to live up to a certain image with sehun.
SummerLuv #9
Chapter 8: Noooooo that's some messed up right there 🥲
SummerLuv #10
Chapter 6: Kinda unfair for Baekhyun that Jieun has been treating him so differently from the beginning as tho he's some bad lol. Poor him always trying to be better around her while she still has her own prejudice against him 🥲